Wednesday, July 4

Thinking ahead

Someone asked me a few days ago what I am most looking forward to when I come back to the U.S. I thought I would share my answers here. Besides the obvious answers of my friends and family, which are undoubtably the things I am most looking forward to seeing, here is what I came up with:

Cosmo, my dog (we still haven't managed to teach him how to Skype)
The prices of groceries
The prices of everything else
My summer job of teaching the percussionists of a high school marching band
Moving into my new house with my two awesome friends
No crazy steep hills to hike up just to get home everyday
My last year as an undergraduate at Butler
Making plans for the years following my last year as an undergraduate at Butler
Sharing my pictures and stories with everyone
Seeing the final Batman movie and Brave
Reading for fun before the new term starts (on my list are Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, and Flowers for Algernon)

I expect I will add a list of things I miss most about New Zealand very quickly after arriving back home. That being said, after I post this entry, I will be grabbing my suitcase and heading out the door to catch my first of three flights back to the U.S. So, America, it looks like we will be seeing each other soon!

Cheers and best wishes!

P.S. Posts WILL resume once I get back, get settled, and finish up my first full week of being back (which will take place at my marching band's band camp) so expect to see some updates in a few weeks! Thanks for being patient everyone!

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