Wednesday, July 4

Thinking ahead

Someone asked me a few days ago what I am most looking forward to when I come back to the U.S. I thought I would share my answers here. Besides the obvious answers of my friends and family, which are undoubtably the things I am most looking forward to seeing, here is what I came up with:

Cosmo, my dog (we still haven't managed to teach him how to Skype)
The prices of groceries
The prices of everything else
My summer job of teaching the percussionists of a high school marching band
Moving into my new house with my two awesome friends
No crazy steep hills to hike up just to get home everyday
My last year as an undergraduate at Butler
Making plans for the years following my last year as an undergraduate at Butler
Sharing my pictures and stories with everyone
Seeing the final Batman movie and Brave
Reading for fun before the new term starts (on my list are Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, and Flowers for Algernon)

I expect I will add a list of things I miss most about New Zealand very quickly after arriving back home. That being said, after I post this entry, I will be grabbing my suitcase and heading out the door to catch my first of three flights back to the U.S. So, America, it looks like we will be seeing each other soon!

Cheers and best wishes!

P.S. Posts WILL resume once I get back, get settled, and finish up my first full week of being back (which will take place at my marching band's band camp) so expect to see some updates in a few weeks! Thanks for being patient everyone!

The End ish Kinda Not Really But Sort of Yes

Hello all!

I'm afraid another apology is necessary now that I have gone many, many weeks without updating this blog. The last few weeks have been full of traveling, studying, essay-writing, and exam-taking and I have found very little brian power for updating here. That being said, I still have every intention in filling you in with everything that has happened since my last post. I've decided that the remainder of this post will be dedicated to a very brief summery of those adventures, which will hopefully bring you back for the full posts that I WILL write, even if I will be in the U.S. when I do.

Since moving into my new flat I have traveled to...

 Cathedral Cove (with my mom and brother!!!)... 

 ...and Hobbiton (twice)... 

 (It looks like Bilbo was off on some adventure when we stopped by (what odd behavior for a hobbit). We thought Frodo might be looking after Bagend, but it looks like he forgot to shut the door on his way out for the day.)  

To the westcoast of the South Island...

 ...and Able Tasman National Park...

 ...To Taupo...

 ...and Rotouroa...

 ...and the top of the North Island...

 ...where the Pacific Ocean and Tasmen Sea meet...

 To Christchurch...

 ...and to Narina...

 ...all while being chased by Nazgul...

...which didn't really stand a chance against me and Sting (did I mention I became a real Hobbit along the way?)

Hopefully this post gives you some idea of why I haven't had the chance to sit down and tell you all about these adventures. Of course, the stories mentioned here are only the tip of the iceberg. I've also been playing with a gamelan ensemble, went to a rugby match, saw a movie at The Embassy, and even hosted an It's-Not-Christmast-Christmas Party. 

Needless to say, this has been an extraordinary adventure. One that I'm very excited to continue in sharing with you. Thanks for checking in with me! I'll have more up for you to read in a few weeks! 
