Sunday, March 4

Photo Dump

Kia ora, everyone!

Sometimes, it was very difficult, if near impossible for me to take certain pictures (such as myself as I run down a hill during the ROGAINE). Here is a collection of pictures taken by fellow adventurers or IFSA staff members. Enjoy!

Thus the photo dump begins!

(Another shot of Auckland plus a volcano (silly light post).) 

(Our home at Shakespeare Park: The Lodge (and a rain cloud that passed us without loosing a drop! Source.)

 (The rec hall, getting ready to go to the marae.)

(Unfortunately, IFSA didn't get a good shot of me kayaking, but here as some guys who did! Source.)

(Now, it's hard to see, but you might be able to see a little sliver of yellow beach behind these girls. That's where we started! We went all the way across the bay! Source.)

(Notice the perfect water and the perfect sky? Source.)

(The volcano island a few miles away. Great view! Source.)

 (Another shot of the amazing sunset that night. Source.)

(Taken at the start of the ROGAINE. Yes, I'm in the middle and yes, this is an extremely posed picture. Fearless "chief" Kyle and loyal map-reader, Kat. Source.)

 (The victorious females! Source.)

 (Morning by the beach. Source.)

(And an incredible sunrise: promises of good things to come! Source.)

P.S. Some friends of mine that I have met on this trip are also mid-westerners and have a blog of their own. If you would like a double-dose of New Zealand action, please visit their blog: A Tale of Two Cities

Coming up next is a post about my new home town: Wellington! Stay tuned! 

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