Monday, January 23

"The Road Goes Ever On..."

4 weeks
2 days
20 hours
35 minutes

That is how much time there is between me and the first of three flights which will transport me, an adventurous college student from her home of 21 years in the mid-west, to New Zealand. I shall remain five months until July 5th when I begin the return journey.

During those five short months, I will study music and culture at Victoria University in Wellington, travel up and down the two main islands with my family during my two week spring break, see everything from glowworm caves to hobbit holes, and meet fellow study-abroad students as well as the native Kiwi's.

My hope is that by creating this blog, I can keep a travel-log of my adventures handy for not only myself, but all my wonderful friends, family, and supporters who wouldn't fit into my suitcase (curse those silly 50lb luggage limits). That being said, welcome readers! Here you can read about my time in New Zealand and hopefully see me become more than just an adventurous mid-westerner; see me as the kiwi me.

When I started sharing my plans to go abroad, a lot of people asked me, "Why New Zealand?" Well the answer to that question can be blamed on Peter Jackson, for had I not seen his cinematic masterpiece, "The Lord of the Rings," I would not have been mesmerized by New Zealand's natural beauty and in turn never inspired to learn about its geography, history, and rich culture.

I was eleven years old when I first saw "The Fellowship of the Ring" (2001). For ten years I have wanted to see New Zealand with my own eyes. And here I am. 4 weeks, 3 days, and so on days away from seeing this dream become reality.

The only thing better than beginning this journey is the chance to share it with those I love. Thank you to all of those who have helped support me in this dream. Family, friends, and all of those who have offered either financial or moral support (or both!). It is because of you that this is finally happening. Thank you!

Allow me to leave you with the words of the Great Inspirer, J.R.R. Tolkien, in an except of my favorite poem:

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with weary feet,
Until it joins some larger way,
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.